Key Events So Far 10:48 Jonathan Humphries Proceedings get underway
Callum Wilcocks has been called to the dock. Court staff are preparing equipment to play audio tapes of Beccy McDonalds 999 call and video interviews.
Judge Mr Justice Holroyde has entered the courtroom. Wilcocks has arrived in the dock.
Simon Medland QC, prosecuting, says the crowns case is likely to finish today.
The jury have been called in.
Mr Medland is sharing some written admissions among members of the jury.
He will now read some agreed facts.
The first are transactions on Beccy McDonalds cash card.
Kelsey and the defendant had travelled to an all night garage with the card, and Miss McDonald had texted her pin number to Kelsey.
While at the garage Wilcocks phoned Kelsey to ask if she wanted some alcohol, and he bought cigarettes and vodka worth £19
After that, around 3.30am, two transactions for £50 and £100 were withdrawn from a cash-point.
The jury is now being played a 999 call from Miss McDonald.
There is some wind interference and it is difficult to make out her words, but she is clearly very upset, and the phrase “shes dead” is clearly audible.
She tells the operator she is on Foundry Lane, and she is crying.
She says: “I saw her arm around the door.”
The operator asks her to take deep breaths, and asks her to confirm the address of the flat.
Operator: “Is he aggressive normally?”
Miss McDonald: “I dont know, I don
t really know him.”
Operator: “You have gone round to the address and seen her lying on the floor?”
Miss McDonald: “From what I could see yeah”
Operator: “But you have not gone inside?”
Miss McDonald :“No he was just shouting shes dead, she
s dead.”
Operator:“The male was shouting shes dead?”
Miss McDonald “Yeah.”
Miss McDonald repeats that she saw Kelseys arm around the door and that Wilcocks was shouting “he
s dead.”
She confirms the names of Kelsey and the defendant, but appears to be struggling to breathe due to her distress.
The operator asks her to take deep breaths and calm down.
Operator: “There is an ambulance on the way to check on your friend.”
Miss McDonald: “But hes standing by the door.”
Operator: “Thats fine there
s officers on the way.”
Miss McDonald: “He was saying f***** listen to me and he was shouting shes dead.”
Operator: “Was he very aggressive was he?”
Miss McDonald: “Yeah.”